Exploring Space Through Online GamesExploring Space Through Online Games
Space is the new frontier that requires a different mindset, one that recognizes that it’s not just about the individual, but about the community. It is a place where collaboration is essential for success and survival. These games help players to learn about the value of community, the importance of teamwork, and the importance of taking risks in order to achieve a goal.Learn more :https://www.ufa777.group
Exploring Space Through Online Games
The use of term “New Frontier” was a popular trope used by the media in the 1950s and 1960s to promote movies, such as the 1935 Western The New Frontier starring John Wayne, and the new NASA (Kennedy, 1961). This article shows how this rhetoric spread to the space agency soon after its formation, and helped to spread the message that the United States could conquer the final frontier of outer space just like it tamed the American West. This New Frontier narrative also served to promote NASA’s manned space exploration program to a skeptical public and Congress.